Student Merit Achievements
We know our Baldwin Wallace University students are doing great things every day, and we want them to get recognition for their achievements. We use Merit, a media distribution platform, to share student accomplishments and activities as personalized, engaging stories on BW's Merit site. The stories may also be shared on social media and published in the student's local newspapers.
Through Merit, BW students also receive a university-verified online Merit page to market their resumes and achievements effectively. Students gain achievement badges for being on the Dean's List, earning scholarships, participating in campus organizations, garnering athletic recognition, demonstrating student leadership and more. Students can also add work experience, internships and other activities to their profiles.
How it works:
- Students may receive badges in recognition of achievements or for participation in campus events and activities.
- BW faculty and staff or student organization leaders then email about student achievements.
- Upon approval by the BW Office of University Relations, a short story is written, and badges for achievements are awarded through Merit.
Who will see Merit stories:
- Stories are distributed as a press release to each student's hometown media outlets and the offices of their state legislators (based on the student's zip code) as well as their high school.
- Students and parents with an email address on file with BW receive an achievement notification by email from
- Friends and family can also receive an email by following a student on their Merit page. Note: Students have full control of who follows them.
- Students and parents can share achievements via social media.
How students can claim their Merit page:
- Visit BW's Merit site and type your name in the search bar.
- Click on your name and then click "Is this you?"
- Enter your BW email address and submit the form.
- When you receive the confirmation email from Merit, sign in and follow the prompts.
- Once you claim your page, you can select privacy settings, upload a photo, and add other activities and work experience to your profile. You may also opt out of Merit at any time.
Why is Merit important?
Merit pages allow students to create a positive online reputation. It helps employers find the great things about the individual, and it recognizes accomplishments with official college badges that show they're authentic.
What about privacy?
The information BW uses and shares through Merit is considered "directory information" and is addressed under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) "directory information" clause. Directory information, such as name, graduation year and other publicly available facts, are not required to be private, according to FERPA. Directory Information is further explained on the U.S. Department of Education site here.
BW creates Merit stories in compliance with our FERPA policy, but students can control their privacy settings, including how people can discover their Merit page. Students may also opt out of Merit at any time.
Contact Susan Walton at or (440) 826-2382.